I needed a personal trainer. The hardest decision I had was making the commitment to email Jess. I knew that once I did, there was no turning back. He called back almost immediately, and it was the best thing that ever happened! At 5 ft 3 in, I was 141 lbs. I had just moved up to a size 8 in order to be comfortable but still had “muffin top” and back fat. I was miserable. I knew what I could look like, but after 6 years of doing nothing and whining about it, I also knew that I couldn’t achieve it on my own.
My very first visit with Jess changed my life! He gave me a nutrition plan and I saw him twice a week. He kicked my a$# for 8 solid weeks (and counting) and I lost 15 lb! I am back down to a size 4 and maintaining at a healthy 126 lbs. I feel better and stronger than I have in years! I no longer HAVE to figure out what I am going wear , I now want to choose what I am going to put on! I have a “Body by Jess!” Together, with your commitment, hard-work, and his personal training he CAN work miracles! ” – Raina E.